Celebrating jazz education throughout our entire nation and beyond!

2023 Virtual Rules


It is the intention of the 2023 Virtual National Jazz Festival to upload submitted videos to the NJF YouTube channel that may be used for promotional purposes.

All “Large Ensemble”, “Small Ensemble”, “Vocal Jazz”, and “Pop-Cappella” groups will be divided into 2 performance/competitive divisions depending on how they are recording their performances. Ensembles may choose to either record their performances “live” as an ensemble in either their band room, stage, auditorium, or other space. Groups may also choose to participate in “virtual” divisions.

“Live Divisions” – Ensembles choosing to participate in these categories must submit video/audio recordings that are recorded as 1 live take without editing the video or audio in any way. The video must be shot from one stationary camera that is continuously recording your performance. You may use any audio recording techniques that make your live performance sound the best it can on the video, however audio must not be edited and intonation plugins (such as auto-tune) are forbidden. All directors are responsible for following the NJF Code Of Conduct in the production of these videos. Similar to the in-person festival, all ensembles entering a “Live Division” must adhere to the 20 minute time limit from first not to final cut-off. All introductions of selections should happen prior to the musical performance so that it does not impact your performance time.

“Virtual Divisions” – Ensembles choosing to participate in these categories may compile their audio and video and edit it to compose their final product. The video quality will not be adjudicated, however the audio will. You may edit the audio in this process, however you may not use intonation plugins (such as auto-tune) to enhance your audio. Effects and compression are acceptable. All directors are responsible for following the NJF Code Of Conduct in the production of these videos. Similar to the in-person festival, all ensembles entering a “Virtual Divisions” must adhere to the 20 minute time limit from first not to final cut-off. All introductions of selections should happen prior to the musical performance so that it does not impact your performance time.


  1. All students participating in an ensemble must be from the same school. All-star ensembles from the same district or ensembles comprised of students from more than 1 school in a district will be allowed to perform in the “non-competitive” category.
  2. All ensembles and individuals must be registered by a school director or school official to ensure that the students are in “good standing” with their school and also to ensure that the school is aware of the students’ participation. This includes the “Pop-Capella”, Jazz Vocal Solo, Solo Jazz Piano, and Jazz Composition Categories.
  3. Schools may enter more than one ensemble in each category and each performing group will be placed in the appropriate division by school population.  If a school registers more than one ensemble, those ensembles will be in the same division.  Ensembles will be received in order of registration. For schools that have more than one ensemble however wish not to compete against their own school, they choose to perform in the non-competitive division.
  4. If a school has more than 1 ensemble in a performance category, each ensemble must be comprised entirely by other (different) students. The only exception would be in instrumental ensembles where the student is playing an entirely different instrument in each ensemble.  There are no exceptions in the vocal categories.
  5. All self-reporting of school information, ensemble information, and individual information must be truthful. Ensembles or individuals reporting inaccurate or false information in order to gain a competitive advantage will be disqualified and not allowed to participate in future National Jazz Festivals.
  6. All rules and regulations of each ensemble and individual category must be followed.