Celebrating jazz education throughout our entire nation and beyond!

NJF Composition Category Update!

The University of Northern Colorado’s UNC JAZZ LAB I Ensemble will record the winning piece from the NJF Composition Category! Thanks to the University of Northern Colorado’s support and collaboration, the UNC Jazz Lab I ensemble will record the winning composition chart from the National Jazz Festival’s Composition Category. The recording will premiere on MayContinue reading “NJF Composition Category Update!”

2021 LOVE Award

At the National Jazz Festival High School Jazz Competition and Festival, students are recognized for their community service. The LOVE Award honors a student who has used their passion for music to better lives of others through activism and/or community service. Students are nominated by their directors, parents or fellow musicians. Nominate a student here:Continue reading “2021 LOVE Award”

2021 Jazz Educator Award

Nominations are now being taken for the 2021 Jazz Educator Award. Awarded to an exemplary educator who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to students and to jazz music education. To nominate your favorite educator complete the nomination form found here….. To find out more about the categories offered at the 2021 Virtual National Jazz FestivalContinue reading “2021 Jazz Educator Award”