Celebrating jazz education throughout our entire nation and beyond!

The SmartMusic Category!

2021 SmartMusic Category Thanks to SmartMusic and Alfred Music, the National Jazz Festival is offering a new competitive category to the 2021 virtual festival! We are grateful to SmartMusic and Alfred Music for partnering with us to create the “SmartMusic Category” which features the award-winning composer Gordon Goodwin and his tribute to his mentor, theContinue reading “The SmartMusic Category!”

NJF Composition Category Update!

The University of Northern Colorado’s UNC JAZZ LAB I Ensemble will record the winning piece from the NJF Composition Category! Thanks to the University of Northern Colorado’s support and collaboration, the UNC Jazz Lab I ensemble will record the winning composition chart from the National Jazz Festival’s Composition Category. The recording will premiere on MayContinue reading “NJF Composition Category Update!”

Registration is Open!

It is with great pleasure that we share with you that registration for the 2021 National Jazz Festival is now officially open!  We would be thrilled if you and your students were able to participate in this year’s festival which will be entirely virtual! Don’t worry, we will be back hosting an in-person National JazzContinue reading “Registration is Open!”